Lindsey Krueger, LCSW


Co-Owner and Therapist Therapist -Telehealth

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Lindsey earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Maryland. She then went on to complete her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Edinboro University. Throughout her career, she has had work experience with all ages in a variety of outpatient settings.

Lindsey is a licensed clinical social worker in North Dakota, Minnesota, Nevada and Texas.

As an active-duty Air Force spouse, Lindsey has had the opportunity to live and work with a plethora of diverse populations. She has a great passion and love for adoption, as she and her husband adopted their oldest son internationally. In her free time, Lindsey enjoys spending time with family, going to the lake, being active, and loves to attend her children’s sporting events. 

Lindsey currently specializes in treating grief/loss, infertility, adoption issues, anxiety, anger, depression, trauma, military life, domestic violence, and family/relationship concerns. Lindsey is a certified Domestic Abuse Intervention Program (DAIP) group facilitator.

Lindsey strongly believes in providing an atmosphere that is accepting, non-judgmental and empowering. She utilizes evidenced based treatment strategies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).



Jeff Stine, LCSW


Katie Krueger, LCSW